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Proud, wip

Voilà quelques images de mon film de fin d'étude, sur lequel j'étais en charge du character modeling, environnement modeling, surfacing et set dressing/layout. Ce sont de work in progress, un post plus défini sera posté bientôt :)
J'ai travaillé avec Eva Degli-Innocenti en charge du groom, cfx et Fx
Clémence Fischbach en charge du lighting, et de toute la partie préproduction, concept, storyboard, character/enviro designs
Loreline Clément en charge de lead animation, body mecanique, rigging et compositing
Lucie Amerth en charge de l'animation organique et rigging

Nest, personnage principale



Retopology Nest

modeling of Devi

modeling of Devi

 coraux model

coraux model

Coraux rouge qui envahissent l'environnement.

Coraux rouge qui envahissent l'environnement.

Some first lookdev test 1/

Some first lookdev test 1/

Some first lookdev test 2/

Some first lookdev test 2/

First test for the lookdev of the Flower ! Here was very early test to see if I was able to make the same type of flower as "Trolls", and feeling the texture of hairs without groom

First test for the lookdev of the Flower ! Here was very early test to see if I was able to make the same type of flower as "Trolls", and feeling the texture of hairs without groom

Final lookdev of the flower

Final lookdev of the flower